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March 29th, 2021

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commented on 's post

4 years ago

We have noticed an issue with the Polycom 311 phone only ringing once then straight to voicemail ONLY if the Be Anywhere cell phone is switched off. So, when the cell phone of the extension, say 110, is turned OFF, the Polycom 311 phone will ring 1 time then go to voicemail. If the cell phone is swi


I know it has been a while. But did you ever get an answer to this issue?

followed 's post

4 years ago

We have noticed an issue with the Polycom 311 phone only ringing once then straight to voicemail ONLY if the Be Anywhere cell phone is switched off. So, when the cell phone of the extension, say 110, is turned OFF, the Polycom 311 phone will ring 1 time then go to voicemail. If the cell phone is swi


joined community.

March 29, 2021