New Member
3 Messages
In anticipation of moving locations
Hello, I"m about to make a move, albeit a 8 month temporary one, to a new location. I'm looking to make sure I have all my ducks in a row as I'm about a month out now.
I'm moving about 3 miles down the road to another house that is currently a comcast customer.
- Should there be any charges related to moving my service from my old locaiton to my new location? Installation, new contract, etc?
- Can I just take my old equipment and plug it in at the new place or do I actually need a technician to come out?
- Anything else I need to know?
Thanks for the help
1.5K Messages
11 years ago
Hello JoshFink,
Welcome to the forum.
This is our online article on transferring your Comcast Business service to a new location.
It has information on the process that entails on the transfer, but for detail information please call our support line at: 1-800-391-3000.
Thank you
New Member
3 Messages
11 years ago
Thanks.. This arcticle doesn't actually state anything about it.
I've called and been left on hold for an extended period of times both times.
Do you have any direct knowledge of it?
Don't take this the wrong way but in the past I've gotten nickel and dimed by Comcast. Wanting $250 to come out to do an install when the guy showed up and all he did was verify that the service worked and stuff like that. I can understand if there is working being done but for nothign to be done it sounds silly.
I'd like to get a direct answer if possible.
New Member
3 Messages
11 years ago
Thanks.. Any update on this?
1.4K Messages
11 years ago
Hello JoshFink and welcome,
Here is the Business Class (BC) process for transferrng your service:
1. Contact 1800-391-3000 and use Option 5 to directly contact a Sales Representative
2. The Sales representative is the one who will setup your transfer of the Comcast Services to you new business location.
3. Please be advised there is usually a variable timeframe of the move which the clock starts after you return your signed new Service Order Agreement (SOA) to the Sales Rep. The Sales Rep will synchronize your move and should let you know the actual schedule based on your business move requirements.
Also please be advised of the following:
a. if you are moving your business into your home, Comcast only allows residential TV services at your home. If you are moving into a designated new none home business location, you can transfer your BC TV service to your new location.
b. if your are transferring your BC Telephone service, it will be necessary to know if the rate center of your old BC location is the same as your new BC location. If the rate center is the same, then Comcast can directly port all of your TNs into your new location. If the rate center is different and you want to keep your existing TNs, then you must inquire through the Sales Rep. if there is Comcast Remote Call Forwardng (RCF) in your new location. If there is, then you can have your old location TNs RCFed (5.00 per each RCF TN) into to new TNs at your new rate center. This is a very common thing and you will still be able to use your old TNs that your installed customer base possesses. After your new TNs are installed, you should plan on a 1-3 business days lag for the completion of your RCF total implemntaton. In either new or old situation, there will be a one time 29.95 Provisioning and Activation fee for each of your old or new TNs.
c. if you are transferring your Internet service, this is always smooth unless you new location does not support your internet level. The Sales Rep can validate this for you.
d. You will be required to sign a new Service Order Agreement (SOA) for you new location Comcast Services. If you sign a 3 year SOA, you should not be subject to any additional move installaton charges. Please discuss with the Sales Rep the installation charges with respect to the term of your SOA and this should be documented within your SOA.
Hope this helps you out.