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Eliz's profile

New Member


3 Messages

Thursday, June 9th, 2016 11:00 AM

CM001461561 - What is this?

I received a call with this reference number for two of our stores. I called and it took 10 miutes to get to a person. I had to push random buttons and select incorrect options are there is no option to talk to someone about this. They guy reviewed one the referenced accounts in the call and did not see this in the system. If internet goes down during the time frame stated, I'm afraid that will cause us MAJOR issues and we will have to cancel ALL of our Comcast accounts. Please provide some information as the automated call did not.

Official Employee


869 Messages

9 years ago

Hello Eliz,


I didn't find anything references that number. In the message were you told that your services were to go offline during a specific time?