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arteva's profile

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2 Messages

Tuesday, June 2nd, 2015 12:00 PM

Modem issue - fairly consistant.

Our modem is dropping connection, the logs are below. Can someone please help? MAybe we need to swap this modem out? We've had this issue since we moved to this location.


We rebooted the modem which caused the power failure notice today, but last time we did not and both times we were down for 5-10 minutes.


[Docsis][690]: SW upgrade Failed after download - SW File corruption
14:31:01 Error

[Dhcpc][2491]: erouter0 got new IP X.X.X.X
14:30:55 Notice

[Docsis][690]: SW Download INIT - Via Config file
14:30:39 Notice

[Docsis][690]: No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out
14:29:56 Critical

[Docsis][690]: Disruption during SW download - Power Failure
14:29:54 Error

[Docsis][690]: No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out
14:25:36 Critical


[Docsis][689]: SW upgrade Failed after download - SW File corruption
08:23:00 Error

[Dhcpc][2545]: erouter0 got new IP X.X.X.X
08:22:52 Notice

[Docsis][689]: SW Download INIT - Via Config file
08:22:36 Notice

[Docsis][689]: No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out
08:21:52 Critical



Accepted Solution



1.4K Messages

10 years ago

Hello arteva and welcome,


Where are you getting this error log file from because it does not look like a Comcast Gateway (CG) error file. Could you log into the CG, go to gateway summary, click on the right side cable tab and post your CG signaling parameters?


Look forward to hearing from you... 

Accepted Solution

Gold Problem solver


610 Messages

10 years ago



the log output looks to be from a Cisco DPC3939B or similar. Shown below is the log output from mine (with Log Filter Type = "Event Log")


[Dhcpc][10012]: erouter0 T1 Expired, Enter Renew State2015/6/1 20:42:01Notice
[Dhcpc][10012]: erouter0 got new IP 23:23:07Notice
[Docsis][526]: Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Unicast Maintenance opportunities received - T4 time out2015/5/30 23:12:45Critical
[Docsis][526]: Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Unicast Maintenance opportunities received - T4 time out2015/5/30 23:12:45Critical
[Docsis][526]: Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Unicast Maintenance opportunities received - T4 time out2015/5/30 23:12:44Critical
[Dhcpc][1643]: erouter0 got new IP 22:48:34Notice
[Dhcpc][1632]: erouter0 T1 Expired, Enter Renew State2015/5/30 18:00:46Notice
[Dhcpc][1632]: erouter0 T1 Expired, Enter Renew State2015/5/28 18:00:46Notice
[Dhcpc][1632]: erouter0 T1 Expired, Enter Renew State2015/5/26 18:00:46Notice
[Dhcpc][1632]: erouter0 T1 Expired, Enter Renew State2015/5/24 18:00:46Notice


To user arteva,


as stated, please post a screen shot of your signal levels found at username=cusadmin password=highspeed



1.4K Messages

10 years ago

I have seen the [Dhcpc] notice parameters which are simple CMTS notification messages, but the [Docsis] T4 critical timeouts I will check with the higher technical powers on.... Smiley Wink


We might want to have arteva check his DPC3939B FW version because SW File Corrupt could be an FW update issue....just sayin....